A nerd who doesn't want to think he is and a smart guy who has no style
Girl:did you see Grayton

Other girl:yea he is a nerd
by Poop birdy December 24, 2016
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When you take creatine before your workout and have uncontrollable diarrhea
Tom: Hey Fred, want to go grab a bite to eat?
Fred: I wish I could, but I just lit the creatine cannon an hour ago and it won't stop firing
by SGTMurph94 May 14, 2021
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Big @ss big d!ck
Oh damn, look at that guy in grey sweats

Oh yeah he has that BABD’
by JotoLoko March 7, 2023
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This is when you get doxed and humiliated on the Internet, this can lead to pizzas at your house , or even the swat team showing up to your door.
Last night I got og wllod and the swat team ran through my house
by lkdom May 8, 2021
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That bedgood won the battle and looked so stylish while doing it.
by Staceface37 December 27, 2016
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CDawg: um foug...
Fug: WTF!!!!
2 Hours Later..
Fug: Woo I just got half a slice of pizza for $20
Rayjammer: The legend continues..
by Foug September 2, 2003
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Hot Eboy With A Fat Ass (like Moeller)
Everyone: Moeller is a Hot Eboy With A Fat Ass! (HEWAFA)
Moeller: yesm
by Moelleryesyes May 10, 2021
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