An Australian colloquialism for any form of alcoholic beverage, namely beer
example 1: fuck bro let's get on the piss

example 2:
*arriving at a gatho*

guy 1: did you bring piss?

guy 2: oh god yeah i did
by #Matthewmania July 29, 2018
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1. urine

2. odd referrence to a fire ant

3. anger
1. aww jeez man, hold on a sec i really gotta piss.

2. hey, look out for that colony of piss ants.

3. man, you piss me off.
by ant January 14, 2004
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A vulgar way of describing the natural bodily function in which the body releases toxins, such as ammonia and urea, through a hole found in the lower region of the body, the urethra.

Also used to describe annoyance or anger at someone or something.

Can be used to get rid of someone
Yo man, hold up. I gotta take a wicked piss.

Dude, you're really starting to piss me off.

Piss off!
by Cattcatow September 29, 2004
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Warm yellow substance ejected from the "pee hole" as kids so eloquently refer to it.Tasting is not recomended!
by James April 24, 2003
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1. Someone would say "my husband's been on the piss again, he came home staggering last night."

2. An angry wife would say to her yobbo husband "you've been out last night on the piss haven't ya???"
by bread infection November 25, 2009
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The interchangeable form of "urine". Also used as an adjective and in a negtive sense.
literal noun: I'm taking a piss.
non-literal noun (very rarely used): I'm sure as piss that you're an idiot.

literal adjective: That hallway smells pissy.
non-literal adjective: I'm in a very pissy mood, so leave me alone.

literal verb: That drunk guy is pissing on himself.
non-literal verb: You're pissing me off!!
by PS, I'm Black April 20, 2008
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A word used to express frustration or anger.
Kayleen(after CDs are stolen): PISS!
Emily(when really bored): Piss mother!
by EmilyJayne February 27, 2005
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