Woody Grant: So long, Albert.
Uncle Albert: So long, Woody.

by St.Asik March 8, 2014
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So Long comes from the ghettoes of New York where irish,italian Jewish and Arab immigrants mixed together. Jews and Arabs always greet and say goodbye to each other by saying Shalom,Shalom, or Salaam,Salaam. These words were corrupted into solong, solong. Ultimately folks believed that it meant that it had been so long since you had seen someone. Not so.
by David Freedman. August 24, 2005
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so long has the same meaning of BYE dude. used by cowboys often.
a : so long cowboy.
b : take care.
by mostafa June 7, 2005
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The title of technoblade's last video where his father reads what he wrote in his last moments and remembers the memories of how hard techno worked on his channel.
by Camden fluff July 1, 2022
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A My Chem reference. If you don't get it, go listen to 'Helena'. If you don't want to, get out. And close the goddamn door.
by FobMcrSomething April 17, 2016
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The farewell of Technoblade, the king himself
Technoblade on his literal deathbed: "Title my death announcement video 'so long nerds', it'll be funny"
by BrawlS July 9, 2022
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