Either sex can be a lush. It's someone who drinks a lot and enjoys drinking a lot---not necessarily an alcoholic, but someone whose drinking is noticeable. It can be used teasingly or as an insult, but even if someone teases you (or whoever), there's probably some truth in it, and it probably means you're overdoing the alcohol.
Sara is such a lush! Did you see her dancing at Firehaus? Oh em gee. It wasn't even her birthday!
by ILoveYahooAnswers March 1, 2009
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Typically used by the welsh to describe something that's bloody lovely!

It can be applied to most situations.

Synonyms: Awesome, Fantastic, wicked, fabulous, gorgeous.
P1) What did you have for breakfast?
P2) Cheese on toast. Its was fukkin LUSH!

P1) Did you see that bloke Dai Jones brought to the pub last night?
P2) I work with him. He's fukkin lush!

P1) Have you seen my new shoes?
P2) Oooohhh, They're lush!

*) I bought a lush dress yesterday.

*) I Had a lush dinner Sunday

*) Have you seen how lush Sarah's baby is?
by WonkyDonkey September 11, 2011
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1. British slang term used to describe something or someone incredibly desirable.

2. Stacey Young.
Wow, that girl over there is lush!

See also: Fit, Sexy, Hottie.
by mrdavethegreat September 7, 2008
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1) Similar to Fit, meaning a person who has attractive physical qualities.
2) Can be used to describe an object which is considered to be above average in either taste, smell, sight or other sensory perceptions.
1) Check out Sarah, shes looking pretty lush tonight.
2) This chocolate is lush.
by Swankyfish July 4, 2004
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someone that lives for materialistic things, and is usually intoxicated
"you're a lush and i hate it"
by Brannie August 10, 2003
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woah that b oy is lush
that top is lush as
by C*A*Y*L*A November 6, 2005
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