Greeting between black metal brethren.

Also, "infernal hails".
"Hails, bro!" "Good morrow to you too, brother."
by AveSatana September 13, 2008
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Hails is a infinitely unique abbreviation of the woman's name Hayley.

Its symbolises a hail storm of extreme intensity and passion. These metaphorical storms are usually irrational and unreasonable but comprise of humanitarian sustenance and an inherent loving nature. It is the water balance to the fire of the sun.

It is also extremely unpredictable and metaphorically can cause considerable collateral damage if unprepared for. Parallel to this manifestation of malevolence is a broadcasting of benevolence: the white witch; the fuck to the nut; the lioness to the jungle; the Ri (eye) of Ra.

#1: watt's your problem ?

#2: fuckin' hails went bollistic again....
by mirroring cockhead October 27, 2008
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A girl who isn’t afraid to do most things very outgoing and brave. Very beautiful and nice she has all the boys chassing her girls wish they were like her, she is kind only when your nice to her.MIGHT have a bad temper but she will get around
“Did you see Haile she looked so cute

......“I wish I was like Haile”
by Pxxdxxpcc March 23, 2018
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Used to express a greeting or tribute.
Hail dude!
Oh hiya
by Alex March 22, 2004
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Variation of "hell no" typically said by an African American. Often accompanied by an incredulous look and the waging of a finger.
Crazy friend: I dare you to run into the street! Black friend: Hail no! Yo crazy.
by racergamer February 22, 2015
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The best person to have in your life. She’s so genuine, supportive, charismatic, funny, truly anything you could ever want in a person. She will always brighten your mood and day. Don’t let her short figure trick you, because big things come in small packages, especially in this case. She’s a bit of a dork, but that’s part of her charm. She’s the person who will go out of her way to make you feel better, a true friend. However, she has a lot of false self doubt. When in reality she is super smart, cute, and funny, and no one thinks otherwise! Haile is the best friend you could ever ask for.
Haile makes me feel like I matter, she’s a fantastic friend.
by Lampy September 16, 2019
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another word for 'rocked', to be completely high/drunk.
pooks i was so hailed last night i dont know how i got home !
by pookiebear2050 April 11, 2009
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