Something that is outstanding or very good or used to indicate or describe approval.
Wow, the car is in excellent condition even though it is 15 years old!
by Google Tricks June 19, 2023
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*taps fingertips together*
by Occifer July 23, 2008
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Mr Burns of the Simpsons favourite expression when devising an evil scheme. Usually uttered whilst tenting his fingers.
Mr Burns "Smithers have the hounds been released?"
Smithers "Yes sir"
Mr Burns "Excellent"
by RayzorSharp October 19, 2007
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An Adjective used to describe that which is superlatively better than everything else around it. "Excellent" can only be used for the most extremely awesome of epic things.
C.D. Hylton Marching Band. Now that is one excellent organization
by The Quaffman May 28, 2009
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Excellent is a word commonly used on the xbox live server by the users "Rushlow" and "BIG BAD TREKKIE"
Yo, Sean! I just owned that guy! Excellent.
by John December 14, 2004
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A medical condition caused by over usage of the Microsoft application excel.

Symptoms include malfunction of the eyes from prolonged staring at this application and severe anxiety due to inability to rectify application errors such as circular references, amongst others.
User 1: "I can't get this stupid sumif to work in this vlookup because of the stupid pivot table!"

User 2: "Dude, you're suffering from excelitis, take a screen break!"
by Aquaxander January 4, 2008
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It is the art of watching an excel file while it watches you back, while you are being incredibly unproductive.
I was working on our company's analysis and was excelling at that for many hours!
by malnic May 13, 2021
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