

When someone (or something) is devoted to a task to a point where it becomes obsessive or completely unreasonable. If someone is "dedicated", they will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve their goal, no matter what the outcome and even at the expense of others. It could also mean when someone is trying far too hard at something.
Matt is a dedicated savage
by _SterlingArcher_ September 25, 2016
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When you watch every episode of Drake and Josh, multiple times.
Person 1:”Wow, that person is dedicated.”
Person 2:”I know right! It’s so amazing”
by Denki_uwu January 24, 2020
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When someone (or something) is devoted to a task to a point where it becomes obsessive or completely unreasonable. If someone is "dedicated", they will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve their goal, no matter what the outcome and even at the expense of others. It could also mean when someone is trying far too hard at something.
Matt is a dedicated savage
by _SterlingArcher_ September 25, 2016
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When someone (or something) is devoted to a task to a point where it becomes obsessive or completely unreasonable. If someone is "dedicated", they will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve their goal, no matter what the outcome and even at the expense of others. It could also mean when someone is trying far too hard at something.
Matt is a dedicated savage
by _SterlingArcher_ September 25, 2016
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A hyper active kitty loving czech bastard who says random insults.
Dedic: AH! Kitty!

Pat: Hey Dedic.
Dedic: Fuck off, Jew.
by Yopa2177 April 1, 2009
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noun. extreme or uncommon commitment to a task, people, or an ideal.
Mark has such a deep dedication to his work he once walked two miles in twenty inches of snow to open his office to customers (in a southern state with only a few snow plows).
by ljthegreat January 10, 2011
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To cause to belong or be devoted to. (See devotion.)
Some people dedicate their entire lives to a single goal.
by Downstrike May 25, 2004
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