(adj): describes someone of unparalleled retardation to such an extent to present a threat to the psychological, mental, or physical health of others.
by high speed and hooah November 16, 2010
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cool and sexy , but in an almost rebel kind of way, James Dean rebel, not Tommy Lee rebel.
Damn that boys walk is dangerous.
by CAIB June 22, 2006
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fine ass guy or guy
oh girl did u seethat huy over there he was dangerous.
by Jessica April 23, 2004
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used to describe something of an extremely high calibre of awesomeness.

use this simple formula:
A\P = danger level

where A is awesomeness rating (in degrees centigrade) and P is public opinion (in decibels over time)

danger level is measured in lightyears.
wow, that guy just ate his own face, that shit is dangerous.

the recent dramatic increase in company sales this quarter was seriously dangerous.
by reginald james westfall May 18, 2009
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Something a pussy says when they don't want to do something
somebody that ain't a pussy: Freddy is trying to kill me...I don't have much time to live...avenge my death...*dies*

by JC [MoB] September 5, 2006
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an underrated hair band from the late 80s and early 90s that featured Ted Poley on vocals, Andy Timmons (awesome) on guitar, Bruno Ravel on bass, Kasey Smith on keyboards, and Steve West on drums.
Danger Danger's two best songs are Naughty Naughty and Bang Bang
by shadesgordon February 2, 2011
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