Short form for "HELP!" in situations, where one can't afford to type with both hands, e.g. while playing starcraft against koreans.
player 1: asdf!
player 2: be right with you
player 1: asdfasdfasdasdfffffffffffffff
player 2: almost there!
player 1: aasddddddead.
by Psibox July 19, 2005
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A common keyboard mashing, similar to jkljkljkljkl or uiouiouiouio. Often used in fits of anger or stupidity.
NO WTF! a asdfasdfasdf argh! I hate the internet!
by babaloulou November 12, 2003
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Typing by girls when they don't want to talk.
24. How many times have you had sex?
a asdfasdfasdf
by Jerry1928 March 13, 2008
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An expression of anxiety or stress; a representation of tapping your fingers rhythmically against a solid surface. Commonly used when one has no response or does not want to say anything.

May also be used in boredom.
Student: uggh, midterms are starting soon... asdfasdfasdf

Jill: Where is bob? and what is that smell coming from the basement?
Adam: asdfasdfasdf

guy: so... wanna hang out?
bored guy: asdfasdfasdf
by KamiKazeKenji November 1, 2009
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1. These letters are typed when people get really bored and they start smashing keys.

2. Something that a weirdo would say when you step on their toes or slap them.

3. A secret code not yet decrypted.
"Yeah its so much fun typing asdfasdfasdf" - not.

"asdfasdfasdf! You stepped on my toes!"

The nerd sits quietly staring at the screen trying to find the hidden meaning of... "asdfasdfasdf"
by Slayer509 February 24, 2010
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asdfasdfasdf is what you randomly type in here
by Zondervann November 22, 2021
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