also a name for a machine gun
Damn near got killed by a man with a TOMMY Gun
by cat December 17, 2003
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A "Tommy" is a British soldier. The Krauts used to call'em that during WW1/WW2. "Tommy Atkins" was supposed to be a typical British name.
"ACHTUNG!! Tommys are attacking!
by VPAULUS December 13, 2003
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British soldiers have long been know as Tommies because when pay books were 1st issued in 1812 during the Peninsula campaign, soldiers were shown an example pay book in the name shown below:
Private Thomas (Tommy) Atkins of the Grenadiers. Hence a "tommy".
by fubarderby December 27, 2005
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Cockney rhyming slang for male masturbation. ie. "Tommy Tank" = "Wank". Named after the british children's television program, "Thomas The Tank Engine".
John is in the bathroom having a "tommy".
by Wozfraggle March 2, 2006
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"tommy" or pulling a "tommy" not having a job Someone who speaks of having a job and you have no idea what type of job they have or if they even have one. It's to be assumed that they do not have any type of employment but want to come off as if they do.For example, the popular 90's sitcom "Martin" based on the comedy of Martin Lawrence. His best buddy Thomas "tommy" Strong was always told :"what job, now you know you ain't got no job man!"
Don't try to pull a "tommy" on us, you know you ain't got no job.
by Star Status Tiff July 27, 2007
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A "tommy"- short for a "tommy tank" which is ryhming slang for a wank.

Can also be a tommy tit which obviously means to have a shit.

Sam:where have you been?
Tom: Just been for a "tommy".
by Tom Marsh March 9, 2006
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A white boy. Term often used when a black or other minority girl wants to discreetly say that she's interested in interracial dating.
by SexyRach August 30, 2010
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