W sign means you're winning in your life
He show us a W sign he must be winning on his life
by Beeeeeerruuuus September 12, 2022
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this hand sign is made when you hold up 4 fingers overlapping your middle finger to go onto of your ring finger
“W” Hand Sign

Jhon Has A “W“ Hand Sign Up, What Does That Mean?”

“It Means He Gets Bitches Left To Right Cause Hes Really That Nigga”

Original meaning: its really a west coast/west side “gang” sign used by many gangsters, thugs, and rappers
by pimpinginmemphis November 6, 2022
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Action of giving the w*nk*r signal to some1 with your middle finger extended
Usually seen at sporting events accompanied with the quote and action Oi Ref....."Up yours/w*nk*r sign".....!
by keito June 15, 2007
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