T H A C C stands for everything negative in the world, most likely for stupidity. This word is commonly used to express a person's anger for another one's stupidity
T H A C C me may
ngu nhu T H A C C
by D_M_C_S August 13, 2018
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A word that describes something that consists of many bad things, for example, stupidity. Popular among doggos and cates.
T H A C C me may
by D_M_C_S August 13, 2018
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When they so dummy thicc, you cant contain it in just thicc or THICC
She is fuckin T H I C C
by Butters my Butthole™ September 17, 2019
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1) combination of the word thicc and hecc invented by my boyfriend and I
2) basically the short way of saying "dayum you thicc as hecc"
Human 1: Hey man, look at that person over there
Human 2: o hecc, he t h e c c
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Basically Thicc, except when you REALLY want to convey your intentions.
Damn, she T H I C C, boi.
by SawyerNQA September 21, 2019
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Carrying too much cash on your person- to the point that your wallet won't close
I don't feel safe going out with this T H I C C W A L L E T tonight!
by ALL_IN_KAPPA August 13, 2017
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