Substitute for "..are retarded".

In speech, one may occasionally say, "You are retarded".

The same can be said with, "You 'R Tarded'".
I watched, and just as drool left his lower lip he fell hard against the red brick steps.
I said, "You R Tarded."
by Attritionist March 18, 2022
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Randy: You've been on your computer all weekend, shouldn't you go out and socialize with your friends?

Stan: I am socializing r-tard. I'm logged to an MMORPG with people from all over the world and getting XP with my party using TeamSpeak.

Randy: ... I'm not a r-tard.
by krazykushluk March 5, 2007
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people on *chan that always ask for pictures/other stuff in boards such as /a/, with no regard for the rules on *chan for those specific boards.
(/a/ board, 6:00pm)
anon 1: hey, i was just wondering if anyone's got a picture of yoko from GL?

anon 2: No.

anon 3: GTFO

anon 4: /r/ is that way------> /r/tard.
by Alan Li February 8, 2008
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Same as retard. See retard
Jack: I'm gonna go get some money from the ATM.

Tim: Why the hell are you gonna do that?

Jack: Because r tard, I don't have enough cash for the damn movie!

Kate: Yeah, you stupid bastard.

Tim: What was that?

Kate: You heard me r tard.

Tim: Fuck you guys!
by No Problem, Gaylord August 20, 2006
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A synonym for retard that is used by people who play too much goddamned Warcraft. Also used by Eric Cartman in an amazing South Park episode featuring the game.
Guy 1: Haha, he mixed the elixer of black death with the remedy of whiteness. What an R tard.

Guy 2: Say the whole word you fucking retard.
by Drew Ford November 1, 2006
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R-Tard Also known as retard;

1. a person of subnormal intelligence
Offensive Slang
2. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person.
3. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept
"Alyssa is an R-Tard"
"Why are you acting like such an R-Tard"
"Fucking R-Tard"
"You will never get your word in a dictionary, bullshit R-Tards"
by Trent D January 15, 2007
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