1. A amazingly good R&B singer with amazing vocals, but VERY perverted lyrics.

2. One who bumps and grinds into 14-17 year olds faces (18 years not as fun WITH consent )

3. One who is trapped in the closet (with teens under 18)

4. One who believes they can fly (Like in the song)

5. The new michael jordan CRYING MEME is R kelly

6. Bill Cosby's newest cellmate

7. A pirate and a pedophile = ARRRRRRRR KELLY

8. Despite all this he STILL is a good singer who helped develop the 1990's LOVE MAKING (OR if UNlucky baby making) music

9. Keith Sweats rival

10. AN amazing singer who was a big help in making the 1990's the golden age of R&B, but is now being hated on cause his history with accusations of sex with girls under 18.

NOTE: This written by 15 year old so sorry for unprofessionalism (But afterall this is URBAN dictionary man so what u expect) Thanks fo reading
R Kelly has the vocals of an angel and KEITH SWEAT, the pervertedness of BILL COSBY and JARED from subway.
by IDKBARNEYLOVESU986 September 8, 2019
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The process of pissing all over a girls face who is 14 years of age or younger for sexual arrousal and total domination... Similiar to a golden shower but with girls 14 years or younger.
The old man pulled an R Kelly on the 14 year olf girl.
by calven March 19, 2003
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A former 90's and early 2000's r&b singer. More famous for videos surfacing of him urinating on women during sex.

Essentially anything involving your feces and/or urine on another person could be called the R Kelly.
I felt like R Kelly after giving that skank a golden shower.
by M_Dubz152 July 1, 2023
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a sick man who pissed on a 14 year old chick
'i don't believe r kelly is guilty 'cause he good!' (hypothetically)
by B-Gurl Stallagtyt3 November 25, 2007
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A very talented singer who unfortunately , is a sick pervert who urinates on little girls.
I liked R Kelly's music , until he peed on a 13 year old girl.
by queen_azure February 10, 2008
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Used in Street Fighter to describe the act of winning a round by Perfect, since the winner's health meter stays yellow and the win icon is denoted by a P i.e. the winner P'd on the opponent.
1. Damn, he lost the final round by R Kelly.
2. Crap, I got double R Kelly'd.
by DJ Totoro September 8, 2009
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