Host and creator of the nationally syndicated "Sunday Nite Slow Jams" radio show.
"Yo, you gotta check out R Dub tonight on the radio, 'cause he'll be bumpin' those Sunday Nite Slow Jams at 8PM!"
by Alexa Urquidez February 6, 2006
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Host and creator of the nationally syndicated "Sunday Nite Slow Jams" radio show.
"Yo, you gotta check out R Dub tonight on the radio, 'cause he'll be bumpin' those Sunday Nite Slow Jams at 8PM!"
by Alexa Urquidez February 8, 2006
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It stands for Rub Wieners. It is a phrase representative of the feeling one gets when two dicks are rubbed together. Not typically stated by an actual homosexual. The phrase is and can be used in many different ways:

1.) A greeting and a farewell. (Typically a farewell)

2.) Yelled when excited about something. For example, a great play in football or basketball.

3.) It can even be used when angry at someone or something, but not as often.
Friend #1: Well, I better get going, it's getting kind of late.
Friend #2: R Dub, man, R Dub.
Friend #1: Will do, will do...

Announcer: And number 81 catches it in the endzone!
Fan: R DUB!!! R freakin' Dub!!!

Guy playing pool: WTF? How did I miss that shot?
Friend: I don't know, man. R Dub...R Dub...
by RDUBBB July 9, 2009
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Slang term for Redwood City, California. Derived from the city's unofficial acronym "RWC".
yo homie, you from r-dub too?
by andy of RWC December 23, 2005
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Nigga #1-I be from R-Dub-C.
Nigga#2-I be from Sac Town.
Nigga#1-Wets his self and runs away cryin' like a bitch.
by Mojo Maniac July 11, 2008
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(Also RWR Flare)
The gay-looking little raise of the leg that happens when a homosexual or effeminate male throws a ball.
"You were running with an R-Dub flare."

"My brother throws like a girl, he has the R-Dub flare happening."
by Crab October 8, 2003
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