1. Short name for the play , 'Romeo and Juliet' , written by William Shakespeare .
2. Can also be used to describe a couple who belong together but it seems as though it is impossible .
1. Our class went to see the R&J play yesterday , it was so confusing !!
2. Dani and Chris are completely R&J .
by leann.x3 July 2, 2006
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Rough Justice,

where the truth is delivered in a harsh yet honest way.

Or when the law is taken into one's own hands, in a justified manner.
Someone makes an ignorant comment and they are shut down in and agressive manner e.g. "shut up idiot", Yeah he was talking crap about you bra, so I R-J'd his ass.

Or say for example someone is caught shoplifting and instead of calling the cops, they get a beat down from the shop owner.

"Yeah bra, I gave some R-J to that thieving fool."

There are many other types of rough justice, generally justified roughness.
by ROUGHJUSTICE May 25, 2009
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Short for "Bounce and Roll this Joint"

Coined by S and J

(see R & B this J)
J: Lets B & R this J
S: Kk we're out!
by CoinedByS&J April 1, 2010
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Dieses Paar ist definitiv für einander gemacht... Sie liebt ihn & er sie... Sie schreiben jeden Tag dass sie sich vermissen & kuscheln wollen... Eines Tages werden sie es!
by chaampaagneepapii February 5, 2017
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A legend of man who streams, plays games, showcases cool reactions, and posts such legendary videos and so on
by MarcinViola5 June 14, 2021
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A world-famous record producer and attention whore. He is best known for interrupting his musicians' radio singles with countless name and label drops, i.e. "J-J-J-J-J-RRR!!!" or "BELUGA HEIGHTS!!!"
Listener: Damn J. R. Rotem! I was just getting into that song!


Radio: Jason Derülo! BELUGA HEIGHTS!!! J-J-J-J-J-RRR!!!
Listener 1: Who does this song?
Listener 2: Damned if I know..
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A retard who doesn’t know the score of the fucking game he’s playing.
J. R. Smith held the all while James was yelling at him to shoot it and stop acting autistic.
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