swag, fresh, bling. slang used to describe a piece of clothing or jewelry which is noticeable cool and expensive-looking. "Icy" comes from fresh, cold, or "ice age", "iced out", which refers to the action of wearing diamond wrist bands and necklaces which are transparent and have visual similarity with regular ice in a metaphoric way.
Guy 1: Hey, yo man, did you check out Bubba's adi jacket!. Mane that ho was icy!!

Guy 2: Hell yeah mane, boy was swaggin it out.
by Brizzy Izzy July 21, 2011
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Icy is the best, most adorable girl ever. Everyone loves Icy, she is the best in the world. Everyone wants to be her. If you ever meet an Icy your lucky. She will love you until the end.
Boy: Omg is that Icy?
Girl: Yeah it is, i wish i was her.
by Teddybear9011 July 14, 2018
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An Icy is a chill yet cold-natured girl who often has a either Australian or American accent. She’s a stereotypical drama kid who enjoys musicals and has a secret admiration for K-Pop. Icys are unforgiving and will have homocidal tendencies if they catch their partner cheating on them and are highly against polygamous relationships. They like to take the title of “boss” or “tyrant” to appear dominant in relationships but secretly fall into their submissive pet-playing state while isolated with their partner.
Person: look at her calling herself “Tyrant #2”. I bet she’s an Icy.
by EdwardColinFanNOJACOB June 16, 2021
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"I see" & "Cool" combined
John: Have you hooked up with any girls recently?

Jane: No. Not since Portland.

John: Icy
by Hakai September 13, 2012
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A word gangsters use to describe a boner
yo nigga that guy has a icy stickin outta dem trues
by Jamal Pedro Pablo May 2, 2010
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Slang Word for an erection penis.
"Dude, that guy has an Icy!"
by PablosSmaithe March 29, 2010
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to be or act lesbian/gay
ex 1: "Those girls look mad icy right now"
ex 2: "That boy is definately icy"
by syd&gaburto January 21, 2011
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