A male that is less intimidating than an average Beta Male.
Damn that dude is a B Minus. He’s babysitting his girlfriend’s cat while she goes on a date with another guy.
by Clyde “The Caboose” December 4, 2017
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1. Budweiser Light. Bud Light. Any brand of beer that begans with a "B" and has light in the name and is consumed regulary with friends.
Ex. B Minus ; B -

"Hey Rick, Sally called and wants us to pick up some B Minus and vodka come over to play "Kings."
by HavokFire July 11, 2005
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It's a pass, for sure.
Well this podcast called "The Jacobs Show" is a B minus.
by Mr.Frosty505 September 6, 2015
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An abbreviation for referring to Bud Light. Light being the minus. Pronounced B minus
Hey Travis, B minus?
No we are all out of beer as of 4 hours ago
by Travskee September 17, 2009
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It is when you must disown your kid, he is a disappointment to your family and your bloodline, he not even get the a++++++++++++, so trash man, disown him else your bloodline corrupted.
Person 1: My son so good, he got the b minus
Asian man: YOUR SON GET THE B MINUS????? so trash, disown him.
by Snaukball January 28, 2022
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The opposite of a friendship with benefits (F+), as you only have the relationship without sex.
Look at this dude, he is in a B Minus!
by Streetphilosopher January 27, 2019
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B- has a true taste in his beatz
by Majic P February 9, 2004
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