A person who is a slut and enjoys drinking alcohol until sloppy. Not classy.
Get your slush friend off the floor, it's only 10pm!
by Msprissy January 29, 2012
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Basically it means please lower your voice. Created by taehyung of bangtan sonyeondan
Taehyung : Can you speak more slush?
Jungkook: Slush?
Taehyung : Slowly
by Emmawitch March 29, 2018
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A slutty lush.

Also see slushie.
Johnny: That drunk, slutty girl with her tits hanging out is definitely going home with someone tonight.
Jimmy: What a slush. Maybe I'll get lucky.
by Late_Nights December 5, 2009
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A slush is a combination slut/lush; a portmanteau if you will...if i may. a slush is a woman who is promiscuous and drinks heavily; constantly. they can usually be found at your local dive bar most nights of the week. they have no outward care towards responsibility related things, they mostly prefer to drink and sleep around.
i met this sloppy slush at the bar last night. she's not much to look at but she can hold her liquor like a pirate.
by retroafro December 16, 2005
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Slush (n.)-When one has a straight crush, meaning they dont romantically desire a person. Rather, they want to be accepted by another person and therefore try to impress them.
Justin:Hey Michael, check out my new Stussy Tee.
Michael:Its just like mine.
Justin:umm, yeah.
Michael:Man, you have a total slush on me.
Justin: I just want to be accepted by you.
Michael: Daps whats up.
by Nlili Shamrat July 13, 2007
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To Drink, Or Consume Four Loko Malt Beverage.
Bro'' I Slush Hard As A Bitch ...
by RedRayvyn October 27, 2011
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A cross between a slut and a lush...
"That drunkin whore is all over every guy in this bar." "Yeah she is, whata Slush."
by Ashleeeey November 5, 2005
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