1. excited, pumped, stoked
2. really drunk, wasted
3. to be soaked
1. i'm so drenched for snowboarding
2. i got drenched after drinking a fifth
3. the sudden downpour left me drenched
by sheenabotlol April 4, 2008
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shooting your cum down a womans throat making sure she swallows
bro i just gave that girl a drench
by willium June 5, 2006
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When you eat a girl out so well you get drenched.
"Yesterday I got so drenched "
"Did you go to a water park?"
"I was in Ashley's slip and slide"
by Jessixa triss January 12, 2017
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The opposite of lit; something that is dispassionate, everyday, or otherwise depressing.
"Hey, you wanna come over tonight? The girls are coming over and I've got a case of White Claw."
"Sorry, gamer, I can't. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning to go to work."
"Oh, that's hella drenched, bro."
by Jim Dubya January 30, 2020
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An unintelligible way of referring to a massive downpour; only the most unscholarly of deviants would dare use this word.
Girl: It's drenchful out there today!
Guy: You're kidding me, right?
by SSSamuel April 9, 2015
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The act of pissing down the floor drain in a public bathroom.
Tommy was drunk and had to piss but the urinals were full so he just went drain drenching.
by Poot there it is!!! December 14, 2016
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When the Vaginal region is excited and goes from the baron desert wastelands to the full roaring river of the Amazon in seconds.
When I get her back in the room and play a little Ginuwine she goes dry to drenched!
by Hurtin For A Pirtin May 11, 2015
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