50 definitions by greentrashcan

A guy who says offensive things and decides whether he was joking based on the reaction of people around him.
Watch out, Susie! That guy is Schrödinger's Douchebag, he’ll trap you in a thought-experiment without your consent!
by greentrashcan December 24, 2020
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The Great Resignation is a phenomenon that describes record numbers of people leaving their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, often with no prospects lined up.

Associated with the trend is the anti-work movement (created in 2013) and the associated subreddit r/antiwork. Both experienced a boom in members and activity with the increase of job resignations over the course of the pandemic.
Sunday scaries again… My job pays shit and almost all my coworkers have COVID. Despite all these bills to pay, I have serious resignation ideation. I’m not alone though; everyone around me is quitting their jobs en masse due to The Great Resignation.

Fuck it! Tomorrow I’ll finally write "I Quit" on my nut sack in magic marker and show em to my boss. Give him the ole’ testicular resignation.
by greentrashcan January 9, 2022
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The Great Resignation is a phenomenon that describes record numbers of people leaving their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, often with no prospects lined up.

Associated with the trend is the anti-work movement (created in 2013) and the associated subreddit r/antiwork. Both experienced a boom in members and activity with the increase of job resignations over the course of the pandemic.
Sunday scaries again… My job pays shit and almost all my coworkers have COVID. Despite all these bills to pay, I have serious resignation ideation. I’m not alone though; everyone around me is quitting their jobs en masse due to The Great Resignation.
Fuck it! The Great Resignation has inspired me. Tomorrow I’ll finally write "I Quit" on my nut sack in magic marker and show em to my boss. Give him the ole’ testicular resignation.
by greentrashcan January 9, 2022
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a tree with a thic ass and bark
Damn look at that badunkadunk trunk on the Quercus robur!!!
by greentrashcan February 11, 2021
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When someone you know irl shows up in your dreams. Usually you want this person to fuck your brains out.
I haven’t had sex in months, of course I let Karl dreamcreep on me. For fuck’s sake I don’t even remember what sex is like. I’ll take anything I can get.
by greentrashcan December 28, 2021
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Abbreviation for “Dude Arguing Online”.

Plural: “DAOs”

Coined by Twitter user @karakittel.
Would the internet exist without DAOs? Sadly, I don’t think so.
by greentrashcan June 13, 2021
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what my ADHD brain is experiencing (economically) due to a national adderral shortage
On top of trying to be productive during inflation times I’m in cognitive deficit now bc of the adderral shortage. So if you see some emails that are straight up unintelligible know that I am probably not medicated
by greentrashcan April 13, 2023
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