1 definition by SamIAm45

Ithaca is a very rare name. I honestly don't even know if anyone is named this but, if they were.. Ithacas would be very honest and upfront about things. The type of person who when pissed off will tell you to your face. Ithaca will produce great offspring and is probaly very sexy. Everyone goes crazy over theyre looks and body. Ithaca can drink and do drugs whenever but actually knows when to stop. They will tend to be more on the crazy side and will find theyre own path of heartbreak. Ithaca will lead to suicide. They will probably die from suicide as well. Don't get too close, but if your already there, your a lucky bastard so appreciate it. Sex comes easy for Ithacas and will be very long lasting and enjoyful. Ithacas tend to be great advice givers and can very very reliable when in need of a laugh. They are trustworthy and can be very arousing just to talk to. Ithacas tend to be passionate lovers. They will do anything to make anyone BESIDES themselves happy. Theyre used as a great role model but can be a complete bitch/asshole at times. They usually end up being soooo amazing that they rub off on people and have many jelous followers. Animals steal theyre hearts and they love photos. They sometimes act as a whore. Ithaca can also refer to weed. They sleep with people. Heartbreakers but loveable. THEY WILL DRIVE YOU INSANE!!!!!!! They love long walks, cars, and talking to walls. They can talk to anyone about anything and are usually outgoing. GOTTA LOVE IT!!!
Person one: LOOK AT THAT
Person three: Thats Ithaca my girlfriend
Person one: MINE?!?!?!?!
Person three: No. Alllll mine (:
Person two: YOU LUCKY BASTARD *punches in face*
Person three: Ahhh, cant escape jealous fuckers!!!!
by SamIAm45 January 3, 2011
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