6 definitions by Nothing Chen

A math term for the longest side of a right triangle. You learn this is about 5th grade, so whoever is you_know_who must be either a little kid, or extremely dumb.
you get the hypotenuse by using the formula A squared + B squared= C squared (Pythagorean theorum)
by Nothing Chen April 21, 2005
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loosley translated, the word means 'stupid toaster'
"Bob is an effing shizzmanizzle."
by Nothing Chen March 22, 2005
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The feet of a person who dances en pointe (meaning in ballet, when a person dances on the tips of their toes in pointe shoes). Since pointe can really damage/hurt/blister your feet, pointe feet are usually characterized by blisters, bunions, and general ugliness.
Sarah- "Latoya, you're always wearing sneakers and closed-toed shoes. Why don't you ever wear flip-flops?"
Latoya-"I have pointe feet, and I don't like to show them off."
Sarah-"You mean from doing ballet? Does that make your feet stink or something?"
Latoya-"Lets just say that if 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever', my feet and the feet of the other dancers in my pointe class wouldn't be joys for two seconds in their BEST days.
by Nothing Chen August 9, 2005
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Wants and tries to be a goth, but really isnt
An example of one often wears black, stereotypically 'goth' clothes, but their personality it perky/happy/optimistic/just NOT goth.
by Nothing Chen April 19, 2005
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1. A beautiful, awesome hippie town in Central New York. Seriously, it kicks all ass. There is Cornell University, and (partly because of that), has a great cultural diversity. Best of all, its ANTI-BUSH!

2. Odysseus's homeland in 'The Odyssey'
1. 'Ithaca is not George's'
Man I love this town.

2. Odysseus returned to Ithaca after many years
by Nothing Chen April 30, 2005
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A university in Oz that completely kicks all ass.
'When gray and seer our hair hath turned
We shall still revere the lessons learned
In our days at dear old Shiz'
by Nothing Chen March 30, 2005
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