Some stud who went to war for a billion years, got lost on the way back, cheated on his wife- thrice- and
I am Odysseus, King of Itaca. I need GPS.
by Eurymachus October 12, 2010
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The protagonist of Homer's epic The Odyssey, which details the king of Ithaca's ten year return voyage following the Trojan War. Odysseus' pasage is plagued by wrathful gods, seductive temptresses, powerful mythical creatures, and his own crew's mistrust.

As an individual, Odysseus is a mere mortal but who posseses a body unmatched by any man and a mind that's as quick as it is cunning. After ten rough years of fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus is an accomplished leader and hardened warrior who's combative skills have been honed to devastating precision. Odysseus, in many ways, represents what the ancient Greeks considered to be the pinnacle of human perfection.
Odysseus, the man of many burdens, is the greatest hero of all time.
by Hero in Hiding February 23, 2007
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1. The Greek hero who is the protagonist in the well known epic, "The Odyssey"

2. The nick-name for the penis of Chris Smith
1. "Wow Odysseus is so heroic!"

2. "Hey Stacy, have you rode Odysseus yet?" "Oh my god yes I had the time of my life!"
by DemoAspect July 23, 2014
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When something is so ode that its now odysseus
Yo Nate that crease dive was odysseus.
by thatguyboyseth September 29, 2018
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An arrogant manwhore.

Derived from the main character in the Greek epic poem, the Odyssey.
Ex: "Paul is such an Odysseus!"
by Kitten830 February 24, 2010
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A man who is irresistible, all girls want him and all men wanner be him,also has a very large penis that could bring a smile to anybody,he is also very caring and is a passionate lover
I was with a boy last nite,he was a right Odysseus Miltiadous, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to meet him
by Truthdave July 20, 2014
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Some stud who went to war for a billion years, got lost on the way back, cheated on his wife- thrice.

"I am Odysseus, King of Itaca. I need GPS."
"I am Odysseus, King of Itaca. I need GPS."
by PiggyBlackmore October 2, 2018
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