93 definitions by Foug

Code word drivived from ptf. Similar in meaning, can be used in different senarios
What the hell is that? Ham Sandwitch
by Foug March 25, 2003
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Defecating onto a piece of plastic wrap held snugly above your lover's face. This provides the view similar to a glass bottomed boat. See also: bradar
Hi lover...you want me to crap on your face? or would you like a glass-bottomed boat today instead? I am feeling dirty...rrrrrr.
by Foug December 16, 2003
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Piper 1: Man that was a long flight!
C-Dawg: brb washroom break...
5 min later
Piper 2: Where is Sogilny?
by Foug March 21, 2004
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A couple that continuosly touches/caresses/strokes each other in a public display of over-affection
Jon: Who is coming over tonight?
Joe: Oh the usual, the guys and the petting zoo.
Jon: Wonderful
by Foug March 24, 2003
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When you got those awful stomach pains often brought on by hunger, contraban intake, or bad hot food. Its the most horrific feeling one can have, like eating wiped ass.
Snowman: Arena Pizza
Yonoid: No way the food there gives gut roti
by Foug April 3, 2003
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1) small usually single-wheeled vehicle that is used for carrying small loads and is fitted with handles at the rear by which it can be pushed and guided

2) A finishing move so powerful its been so often referred to the US Shock and Awe Campaign, where the motive is to nullify or imbolize your opponent
by Foug March 24, 2003
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Whether its for dry skin or cuts or you just need a little slick, tube of lube comes in all sizes, right now econo size for the same price!
John: Man my hands are dry from this winter air.
Ed: Maybe you should get some hand cream for that...
Foug: Want some tube of lube?
by Foug September 3, 2003
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