The proper way to greet a supreme being, often adding the word buttsecks? as a sign of deeper respect.
1. "Hey, I'm God."
Y Halo thar. Buttsecks?
2. "Hey, I'm Vishnu."
Y Halo thar. No buttsecks, thankies.
by Wadatah May 8, 2005
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The most AWESOME internet catch-phrase ever created.
y halo thar...

by Obscure_Labyrinth April 10, 2007
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Term coined by exobyte. Literally meaning "Why hello there" and usually followed by the question "butsex?"
Exobyte: y halo thar.
by Sakura_RPG November 16, 2004
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an initial invitation of the ritual of buttsecksing, it involves inserting the umaro into another's butt with the promise of repeated insertion

see also se><0r t3h f4c3
by GAWD it hurts!11! January 18, 2004
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