an amazing and really not too hard to do activity
A) Find a person that doesnt care too much about what you think or say

or, the easiest of the 2

B) Walk up to a wall, quite cautiously in fact, because some walls are very paranoid, politly introduce yourself and being talking to it as if it were listening to you, as we all know that walls are not sentient beings, as opposed to the mattress*, who we all know are poached in the swamplands of Sqornshellous Zeta, dried out and sold to sleep on.

(*everything about the mattress is accredited by Douglas Adams)
A) Talking to her is like talking to a wall

B) If you get bored, try talking to walls
by moose face...cakes May 12, 2006
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Talking without receiving any kind of reaction or response from the person you're speaking to; Or talking to someone and they react or respond as if you never said what you just said to them.
"I poured my heart out to her and she just stared at me with a blank expression on her face. It was like talking to a wall!"
by Doctor Mac November 7, 2013
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Is a phrase used to sarcastically explain that the person you are talking to do is not listening or is so dumb that they don't understand
Wow you're so stupid it's like talking to a brick wall
by Ohdearlol December 28, 2013
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Talking to a brick wall means that you are talking to someone who can't comprehend what the person is saying
I'm fr talking to a brick wall rn, nvm.
by Sabriiinaaa February 11, 2017
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