To completely screw something up;
To destroy or masacre;
To make something that would be otherwise good, absolutely unbearable;
To completely 'fuck up' something;

Can be synonymus with: annihilate, decimate, murder, slaughhter, butcher, ruin, wreck, oblitherate, etc.
"Dude, they totally m squared that play."

"Man, did you see that chick's face - it looked so m squared."
by disgruntled punter August 10, 2009
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"Bro, you hear that M Squared last night? That shit was ill"
by MacFlow January 7, 2013
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A video series uploaded to YouTube whenever the creators feel like it. Episodes include music news, features on the South Texas music scene, and random segments brought to the masses by the creators.
Did you see M (squared) where Melodie just jumped and and said "I'm a pretty little fairy!"... What the hell, man?
by MsquaredJALM November 12, 2007
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Slang for Midland, Texas. Due to the large number of squares who live there and the fact that the city is laid out in a grid pattern with all streets meeting at right angles.
"That punk motherfucker George W claims his roots in M-Square"
by company ink August 18, 2005
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