An erect penis that has a distinct curvature to the left or to the right, or up or down, resembling a letter "J"
Dude, did you see the J bone on that pornstar's dick? It was curving way to the left!
by Joelbone March 11, 2008
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An intentional grazing or touching of a women’s lady parts (especially boobies) made to look accidental in the workplace.
He reached for the rack of pint glasses and accidentally on purpose, grazed my boobies with his hand, and therefore j boned me.
by his co-worker February 3, 2012
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Slang term for Jordan basketball shoes. Primarily used in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Them new J- Bones just came out folks.
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The Nickname For Toronto Maple Leafs Forward Jason Blake.
Did You See That Dirty Goal By J-Bone? Bar Down Baby!
by flyerboy91 October 24, 2009
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guy 1: hey I'm about to roll a j-bone you in?

guy 2: HELL YEAH!!!!
by o'ring August 17, 2010
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J Bones are a brand of shoes originally worn by legendary basketball player, Michael "Air" Jordan. J Bones / Jordan shoes are made by the Jordan Company, which is a part of Nike.
"I'm bout to get dem retro j bones!"
by The Legacy Boyz August 24, 2007
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