Word used to describe a moron who cannot control the rantings that come out of their ignorant face and is racist against the French
Foug is a Foug
by Reponel Man In A Can April 27, 2003
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The artist formerly know as "Buttercup".
by Fohn August 13, 2003
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A made-up word made by an idiot that's written the definition of it.
by Blazta April 28, 2003
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1) A small town in the United Kingdoms just north of Manchester. Known for its many antique shops and a large shrine to Himura Kenshin - the Battousai.

2) A sexually transmitted disease originating in the town sharing the same name.
by Fogey McFogelby December 17, 2003
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A fact delivered, typically out of context or awkwardly, that is usually mistruen or completely false. The claim(s) is largely 'supported' through word of mouth by personal sources.
Foug: The chlorine level found in Halifax's water supply is 0.0017ppm.

Group" *stunned.

Foug: My dad said so.
by foug January 30, 2005
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1) The annoying use of the word roll to describe the home baked products similar to buns. (cold cuts is another such word)

2)A technique of 'dissapating' one's weight over a large amount of snow to avoid sinking in. At the same time rolling forward to gain momentum and travel to one's destination.
A: What is he doing?
C: Looks like rolling? Trying to dissapate his weight.
A: I think you mean distribute.
C: yea, what you said.
by foug January 12, 2005
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An almost tribal form of dance and done under hazed conditions, near hallucination. Robotic movements and thumbs up are key steps in this form of drunken or bong induced expression.
Noid: Stop, you're sketching me out.
C: dance dance revolution
by foug January 12, 2005
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