Receiving anal pleasures, as in taking dick in the butt; most often used to describe homosexuals
Damn, that guy loves the D in the B
by giovanni January 1, 2003
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Dungeons and Dragons in the Basement
used in a manner of showing confidentiality of the subject of Dungeons and Dragons, while also showing your hip use of lingo
Person 1: "Hey what's up?"
Person 2: "Not Much, you know. just a little d and d in the b"
by El Mofeta June 27, 2008
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Down to bone. To want to have sex. Also a way to say you're interested in a girl.
Are you gonna hook up with that girl tonight?
Yeah, if she's d to b.

Do you like that girl?
Yeah, I'm d to b.
by The B Squad July 11, 2007
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This Emoticon is a monkey that loves you
d(♥.♥)b d(<.<)b'^-He loves me
by tacobears January 15, 2015
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Down to bone. To want to have sex. Also a way to say you're interested in a girl.
Are you gonna hook up with that girl tonight?
Yeah, if she's d to b.

Do you like that girl?
Yeah, I'm d to b.
by The B Squad September 18, 2007
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When a guy's only good qualities are his dick and butt.
Zamanda: So what do you think about Evan?
Maggeltrons: All hes got is D and B.
The Midge: Yeah, he should never where pants...or open his mouth.
by Maggletrons March 27, 2008
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drink the beer. A common game played on party scenes where one person will partake in consuming one container of any beer based liquid. Once this liquid is consumed the reward is another. The game continues on in this order.
"YO man! Wanna play D the B?" "Maybe how do i play" (1st person hands 2nd person a beer respectively.) "down this broha!" (number two drinks) " alright done, what do i win?" "Another BEER!"
by Liam Cogan February 25, 2010
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