When a girl comes up to you and wants to kiss you and you are too drunk to kiss back, simply thrust thumb into her mouth. This is called "T in the M".
by klabt October 17, 2009
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A game closely assosiated with H-O-R-S-E. This game is played on a trampoline.
"lets go play some T-R-A-M-P"

" I beat him T-R to T-R-A-M-P"
by kgticket21 March 1, 2010
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Aww t and m are the cutest t loves m so much he just doesn’t understand how much she really loves him
by Xxleaf October 14, 2019
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<Afrix> so when do you want me to order some cute asian girls for this channel?
<Elrol> t/m
<Elrol> at 3:12 am
by moonix teh afrix December 30, 2005
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G-T-T-K-A-M-M-A-S Means go to the kitchen and make me a sandwich. Meiyar tends to use that keyword alot since he has 10 girlfriends
Man: G-T-T-K-A-M-M-A-S Bitch.
Woman: yes daddy what toppings?
by Tnqsi August 14, 2021
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time and material.
how much labor(time) and how much material is necessary to complete the job
this job will be $10 an hour for 10 hours plus $50 worth of material equals a total job cost of $150
by the blac god of death June 26, 2004
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