To hang ones scrotum into anothers mouth (generally while sleeping), and at the same time have an erection, therefore creating a shape similar to a T-Bone in a steak.
Dude1: Bro! Enjoy your sleep last night?
Dude2: Yea, it was aight i guess..
Dude1: Not feel anything strange?
Dude2: Aight bitch meat what the fuck did you do to me?
Dude1: Bro you got given a MEGA T BONE and didn't even reallise! Check it we video'd it
by Your brotherrrrr October 14, 2007
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Small, blonde student matriculating at the University of Vermont
"You know T Bone? She lives over in Moose Hall at UVM!"
by Mooze November 24, 2006
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When a car hits another in the side forming a letter "T"
"I ran a red light and I tboned this other car!"
by Monica February 29, 2004
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Adj; A car accident in which someone hits you directly on the driver or passenger side of your car, such as in a T-intersection.
My friend got T-boned the other day." Or, "Mike got T-boned yesterday when the another car drove through the stop sign.
by HULI June 27, 2011
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