Piece of Ass, sex; can be used as spoken by either sex, about either sex.
I'm gonna get me a P of A tonight.
by Suwannee Redhead August 15, 2005
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A guy code when he want's to have sex with a girl (Penis + Pussy = Pleasure)
Keirsten : I'm Bored
Chad : P+P=P Baby!
Keirsten : OHH!
by SlopNChop September 24, 2016
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Like so many young NFL rookies, the sudden wealth results in a lack of discipline, focused less on football and more on P&P!
by talk2me-JCH2 December 29, 2021
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(verb) to "Party & Play". Term seems to originate from Craigslist and/or other personal ads where the poster of the ad is in search of someone to Party (Do drugs. Usually Crystal Meth.) and Play (Engage in sex acts or intercourse.) with, just for the day/night. This term seems to be most prevalent among homosexual men.
Hung White Man, 35, ISO young Vin Diesel look-alike for P&P, you host. I'll bring the D!
by Shabarella June 29, 2005
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a man who wears pants up to his nipples which in turn makes his penis disappear
Have you seen the CCO in his p-p outfit? He crazy!
by jrrajs May 7, 2007
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The P&P for this item will be £5
by Video Rob February 26, 2007
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Popularized by rapper Kendrick Lamar in his song P&P, indicating that Pussy and Patron are the only things that he needs in his life.
by LogicIsDope November 15, 2011
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