Short version for gansta's face.
A man who looks like real G.
So, do you wanna deal with Dima Pitersky?
Yeah, he's the g face!
by Yung Snegr March 18, 2023
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The facial expression often used by porn stars and slutty girls, that looks like they are overexpressing the consonant "G" in order to simulate sexual satisfaction. Similar to duck face, but with lips parted to reveal clenched teeth. Often accompanied by a hissing sound.
Hey, did you check out that porno I told you about?
Yeah, but the chick kept making the G-face, which I found distracting.
by daGeeksta June 27, 2010
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The most nasty and bitchy face in the galaxy m8. Better watch out for people like this.
OMG that girl over there is giving me The Lili G. Face ughhh
by The Lili G. hater August 15, 2016
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A person who can’t grow an itch of facial hair
That nigga gordon gotta Baby Face G
by smurrk October 12, 2020
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