Any large group consisting of only white people.

Because the C Major scale uses only white keys.
Guy 1: Is this party gonna be in C Major?
Guy 2: No
Guy 1: Damn how many sharps?
by maestro4 January 12, 2010
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A Key in which music is played, consisting of no sharps or flats.
C Major scale:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
by Levi Morris June 25, 2006
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when one's lips look of josh dun's. To explain how ones lips are viewed. In account to the forest fic.
A boy with bright blue hair and mocha eyes (and C major lips and blue-sky hands and tiger-growl teeth) stands up.
by jishbuns January 24, 2017
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A song by a comedy music duo named Stuckey and Murray in which they express their feelings about wanting to fornicate a Unicorn. It has about 162,00 views on Youtube, and it's one of those things you can watch more than once and still laugh like hell.
**A guy sits at a computer on Youtube while his friend pays little attention. **

((From the Speakers)): I'M FUCKING A UNICOOOOOOOOORN!!!!!!

Guy #1: What the hell are you watching...?

Guy #2: Unicorn in C Major.
by FritzTheCat420 August 25, 2012
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