1. To type the 1-0 keys on a keyboard while holding down shift.

2. An arrangement of symbols to censor a curse word.

3. What a kid may type when bored out of his mind to see if anything will show on Google.
1. hey Siri, !@#$%^&*()

2. You are such a @$$ hole sometimes.

3. Ok google, !@#$%^&*()
by spellzer December 20, 2016
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Something you type when you are bored in History class (like I am now typing this) is the act of pressing all of the number keys along with SHIFT at the same time.
Student#1: I'm bored... LEMME TYPE !@#$%^&*() INTO URBAN DICTIONARY!!!!111!!!111!!1!
Me: That's why I made this!
by Mr.MoneyBag II October 27, 2021
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!@#$^%&*() is the 1-0 pushinf the shift key
!@#$%^&*() could censor a cuss word
by BObo D. HObo April 29, 2004
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Signs of swearing.
Example: F**k, Sh*t etc
Mom: Son, your enemy beat you to first place again.
You: !@#$%^&*()

You: !@#$%^&*() deal with it mom.
by Trust me I'm dumb September 23, 2019
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You think that you are really smart by searching this up but ur wrong. After typing 1234567890, 0987654321, 1029384756 and 0192837465 , you come up with a creative word and you did try tho. This means that you are really bored and that somebody is annoying you. Your just wasting your time.
Sibling: *annoys you*
You : can you stop being a nuisance.
Sibling: You did not type !@#$%^&*() on the keyboard.
You : That's a waste of my time

Sibling : *gasp*
You: Now shoo!

If you want to waste time, then read this x10

You think that you are really smart by searching this up but ur wrong. After typing 1234567890, 0987654321, 1029384756 and 0192837465 , you come up with a creative word and you did try tho. This means that you are really bored and that somebody is annoying you. Your just wasting your time.
by Your non-existing friend March 31, 2022
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!@#$%^&*() is used to cover curse words.
!@#$%^&*() you, Bob.
by Noah Guy November 13, 2017
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When you get bored so you type every single thingy above the numbers in the keyboard
"I have a meme website and it includes !@#$%^&*()."
by A Shiverian April 3, 2018
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