The physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering which results from an individual being overworked & underpaid in an unsatisfying but necessary job.
“Goddamn, I’ve been busting ass all week at a job that doesn’t recognize me as a person & the built landscape around me gives me malaise & feelings of anomie. I must be coming down with a Capitalism Cold!”
by Doctorb J June 18, 2021
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"Some Cold" is a Eastern Canadian phrase meaning that it is very cold outside, it comes from the saying "It's really something cold out there"
Son: Dad! I'm going outside!
Dad: Okay. but wear a coat, it's some cold out there eh!
by CokaKitty November 29, 2019
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A technique cannabis growers use induce cold temperatures to imitate purple flowers.
"Naw man, that purp be stanky 'cause the chlorophyll froze. Stupid growers be Cold Shock(ing) their beauties."
by Desinis April 8, 2012
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