A phrase found on the front of many shirts - usually white on a green back. Originates from the collegetown of Ithaca, NY (Home of Cornell University and Ithaca College). The shirt is a play on words - emphasizing the natrual beauty of Ithaca, as well as commenting on the gorges abundant in the area. Has become a indie culture icon lately. Lately, variations of the shirt have appeared - such as the following
Original - "Ithaca is gorges"
Variations -
"Ithaca is Gangsta"
"Ithaca is Suicide"
"Cambridge is Gorges"
by me July 8, 2004
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Derogatory name for Cornell University, located in Ithaca, NY, implying that it is part of the public SUNY system and not the more prestigious Ivy league. Although Cornell is a private school it does receive funding from the state, so there may be some truth in the name.
Bill Nye the Science Guy is one of many famous SUNY Ithaca graduates.
by Strong Teen Using Democracy December 16, 2007
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to embark on an imaginary journey, as suggested by Constantine P Cavafy in the poem 'Ithaca', it is the journey, not the destination, that is to be enjoyed.
She could tell by his expression that he was going to Ithaca and had temporarily escaped their surroundings.
by greekgeek88 December 29, 2011
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a haven for stoners and hippies.
guy: dude, where do you go to college?
other guy: I go IC, man.
guy: oh sweet, can i buy some pot from you?
other guy: sure!
by willow_tree September 30, 2004
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when one gay guy shits on another gay guys chest, has his partner suck him off for the " whipped cream" and then tops it with his nuts, hence making a sundae.
hey buddy wanna go get an ithaca sundae?
by daveman69 October 24, 2008
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A college located in upstate New York which specializes in communications/film/physical therapy/ and the arts. Surrounded by the most liberal town in the world, Ithaca is populated by many numerous hippies who smoke pot and like to relive the days of the 60s. It is a cool place though, since it is "gorges" and the campus is really nice. The different schools are all very competative and the academic programs here at Ithaca are equally competative. There are always awesome parties being held, and we have the Cortaca Jug. If you go to Cortland or Cornell, you wish you went to Ithaca. If you go to Cortland, you go to a state school, and you lose to us in the Cortaca Jug. If you go to Cornell, go jump off your famous "suicide bridge".
SUNY Cortland Student: I got into Cortland!
Cornell University Student: I got into Cornell!
Ithaca College Student: Well I got into Ithaca, and it sucks to be you guys. Here, go jump off one of the many cliffs and waterfalls because you can't do anything important in life because you go to Cortland and/or Cornell.
by VivaLaRevolucion February 5, 2006
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monke go ooooooo ooo aaa aaa in the j building hallway

i screeched and the noise of my feet repeatedly hitting the floor became ear-deafening


plunk plunk plunk plunk


the rats began to emerge and Mr. Prokosch arrived with his bare hands and began to trap all the rats

Then, Ms. Hardesty, who had hit a kid with a toyota corolla 2013 back in 2012, showed up in her toyota corolla 2013

OOOOOOO OOOOOOO AAAAAAAAEEEEEEE said the monke as ms hardesty hit them with her car

the end
by monkeatihs March 19, 2021
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