"those low pro po's swear we cant spot them in crown vics with no plates and a searchlight."
by eson December 17, 2003
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1. One's personal business
2. One's teeth/smile
Why you all up in my grill, fool?
Damn boy, youre gonna get knocked in the grill.
Youre hella grillin!
by Yebeka December 20, 1999
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A "dive" in which you hold your knees to your chest and hit the water with your fat ass with as much force as possible with the purpose of creating a gigantic splash, thus soaking everyone in the near vicinity.
That cannonball your mother just performed strangely reminded me of the movie "Deep Impact".
by Nick D November 23, 2004
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Verb. Etymology: coming from the modern car tuning scene.
a phrase that means to modify a vehicle with as many types of aftermarket parts, performance or visual-wise, as are supported by that certain vehicle.
"As soon as i get my settlement check, im gonna trick out my ride"
by DJ FoxPhyre March 26, 2003
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(adjective, adverb, interjection) awesome; coined by the Street Sharks action figures and cartoon show

I did jawesome on that test.
by Diggs February 18, 2003
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Kelly knocked his beer out of his hand. What a party foul.
by Stroll June 29, 2004
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A night when groups of adults get drunk and use explosives when intoxicated. In some cultures they melt metal objects to artefacts.
The dog was scared of the noises on new year's eve.
by j-hi January 7, 2004
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